CertiK Audit

ccFOUND wisdom marketplace
1 min readOct 12, 2021


FOUND coin has been audited by CertiK and received a positive result. CertiK is the most important institution certifying tokens and it is a pioneer in blockchain security research. CertiK uses best-in-class artificial intelligence technology to monitor blockchain protocols and smart contracts. This allows for a high level of security for investors in cryptocurrency projects. CertiK was founded in 2018 by Yale University and Columbia University professors with a mission to create a secure internet.

The only issue found was the centralization of the FOUND coin. This happened due to the design of the token — ccFOUND does not yet have the status of a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), but our goal is decentralization in the future. Currently, we primarily focus on building a community around the project and collecting the capital necessary to build the platform. Later on, we will work on decentralizing the token.

Click here to see CertiK’s full FOUND coin report.



ccFOUND wisdom marketplace

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