One wise man was only asking questions at the conventions he went to. The listeners thought he was ignoring them, but when they got home they saw that there were many sensible answers hidden in the wise man’s questions.
The question is more important than the answer. In questions you have 90 percent of the answer — you may have often heard this advice before an exam.
What is so important about a question to ask?
Simple. The purpose of asking a question is to get information, help, and guidance. The nature of a question is to verbally express a request for an answer.
The matter gets more complicated when instead of a simple question such as “is Poland in Europe?” we ask a complicated question, for example about the essence of some social issue and everything becomes even more difficult when the question is rhetorical, as it is in William Shakespeare.
The infamous TO BE OR NOT TO BE, that is the question, said Prince Hamlet to his skull…to solve his own dilemma whether life after death will be more meaningful than the one he lead on earth?
The most beautiful questions are asked by children, because their questions are very straightforward, so straightforward that they can make even the most bright minds dumbfounded, because how are we supposed to answer a toddler who asks “why is the sun hot?”
There are as many questions in a world as people, times infinity. The infinity sign is the logo of the new Q&A portal ccFOUND. It is a completely innovative and revolutionary project from Poland.
The visionary behind the idea Piotr Michalak assumed that people should be given a place on the Internet where they can ask questions and others will give answers. The point is that the questions should be serious and relevant, and the answers should be based on experience, in-depth knowledge and wisdom. The one who answers less well will fall in the ranking of answers below the one whose answer contributes the most, and that’s who will get the upvote, or like.
Building a reputation on ccFOUND will be like winning a game show and even more, because questions are more interesting and complex. On ccFOUND portal questions are very important for people.
As if by the wave of a magic wand, Piotr Michalak creates an enormous vault of wisdom that will be used for generations to come. Here even children can ask the question:
“why is the sun hot” and probably soon, someone will answer it thoroughly…
The ccFOUND curiosity portal Quora sent out the first invitations in 2011 and the first curiosities from the first users fell into the portal. In 2021 they celebrated a decade of activity on the portal and multi-million reach of their accounts.
It is worth to be a loyal user and enjoy the privileges. Apparently, Linkedin accounts with the number of likes counted from 200,000 sell for $200,000. However, this shocking material approach is an interpretation of the concrete benefits that the first users will reap, along with rewards and privileges. It’s also worth it to be a featured user, like the wildly popular Dushka Zapata, of the Quora service, who is rumored not to be real because she’s so gorgeous.
Or would YOU like to stand out on ccFOUND and build your endlessly popular and endlessly loyal community? Be ahead of everyone else? Be the first to type “your wisdom” on ccFOUND?
Are you still asking the question To be or not to be? Of course to be!
Recruitment for the founding community = founders is just about to start. It’s worth a shot to be the first user to ask an important question or answer others’ questions with wisdom. Everyone knows something, everyone can give advice.
We are launching a contest to ask the question of a lifetime. Write in English email adress and a question in a middle of this landing page here what bothers you the most, in your life, emotionally, professionally, to put it simply down in the history of social media! We welcome you!
Tamar and ccFOUND team