Why do giants start failing?
In the past year, we’ve seen some events that will undoubtedly affect the future of the Internet. From the bull run of Bitcoin, through Dogecoin pump&dump, to El Salvador adopting Bitcoin as a legal tender.
Recently, another scandal has emerged, as Google and Facebook have been accused of creating an ad monopoly. The allegations are that two companies agreed to reduce competition by giving Facebook an advantage in advertising auctions on Google. Now it looks like social media are coming into the spotlight, with whistleblowers pointing out several flaws and misconducts. Are centralized solutions being given an expiration date?
The most prominent social media have many problems nowadays. Facebook seems to be struggling to tackle hate speech and harmful content, especially in countries like India. The social media under Facebook’s jurisdiction, such as Instagram and WhatsApp, have also been accused of prioritizing profits over teenagers’ mental health.
But is it a problem of social media or their ground? Because centralization as a basis is becoming the song of the past. People got used to centralization and are now realizing that there are better options out there. AdShares pointed out that the only way to fix things is to finally turn centralized entities into DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations).
There is a big change coming and it should be done gradually. It’ll be a great challenge for companies and society to efficiently and effectively switch to decentralization.
When it comes to social media, there will definitely be many challenges when it comes to decentralization. One of the biggest challenges will be connected with censorship. Currently, centralized social media have set rules regarding which content can be published. Nevertheless, they lack clear regulations and processes of escalating concerns and options to substantively defend opinions. In ccFOUND, we’re designing 4-steps judiciary processes to protect the freedom of speech and prevent hate speech and harmful content.
As we can see, current social media is not doing well, with Facebook being accused of not taking hate speech and harmful content seriously. The world is changing, social media companies need to adapt to survive and prevent inequality and harm.
We have a solution.
ccFOUND.com is a social medium with a purpose. We’re not focusing only on entertainment purposes. Still, we have a mission — to create the world’s largest wisdom and information product marketplace in the form of a DAO. We identified the problem a year ago while developing the idea and a whitepaper. The problem that today is being talked about by all the mainstream media. The problem of chaos that’s currently happening on the Internet.
One of the most essential features of ccFOUND will be FOUND Coin. FOUND Coin will be a bloodstream of ccFOUND. All of its holders will have voting power (governance). They will be receiving a passive income in the form of daily ‘tokends’ (a form of commission from transactions on the portal). More details are available in our whitepaper.
Interested? You can buy FOUND Coins on our website during investment rounds and on the launchpad on Kanga Exchange.
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